Kiwi Sprocket Rocket programme is a skills based biking programme which target is children aged 7 years and under but relevant for beginners of any age. This programme has been developed based on a modified version of BMX and teaches children fundamental biking skills that specifically cater to children’s size and skill level.
Sprocket Rocket was originally developed by BMX NSW in 1994 as a competition based programme and later expanded as a very successful skill development programme by Bicycle Motocross Australia. More specifically the program aims at providing:
The programme concentrates on four specific fundamental skills areas including pedalling, balance, braking and corning. These skills are fundamental for all biking activities regardless of the participants age.
The Kiwi Sprocket Rocket programme consists of progressive sessions that teach skills through a series of fun drills and skills that children just love.
Each child registered receives a Kiwi Sprocket Participation and Skill Log Book, an interactive resource to record their personal progress. All children receive a cool Kiwi Sprocket Rocket Number Plate which can be displayed proudly on their bikes.
When your child registers they will receive The Kiwi Sprocket Rocket kit which includes the following:-